Friday 8 April 2011

Biggest loser...

How did I get this unfit...seriously! My dad bought me the biggest loser wii game, and its really good (read: its insanely hard). Its a lot harder to work off calories on it than on the wii fit, I've only done 20-30 minutes this afternoon and I'm knackered and for the first time in ages I've had that shakey, post work-out feeling. I'm going to rest for a bit then do the dreaded weigh in on my wii-fit as that's what I've been using to keep track of my weight.

Anyway onto today's meals:
Its been really warm today and i've not really wanted to eat.
all i've had is

4x crispbread with roast gammon left over from yesterdays dinner.
Planning some scrambled egg later though.

Anyway thought I'd make a wee note of the exercise i'm doing currently and the exercise i'm planning to start
Monday: Zumba 40 minutes, Body Sculpt 20 minutes
Tuesday: Biggest Loser scheduled workout
Wednesday: Planning on starting the other Zumba/body sculpt class
Thursday: Biggest Loser scheduled workout
Friday: rest
Saturday: 6k cycle
Sunday 6k cycle

Any tips or hints on that ^^ would be great!
Weight training not really possible atm as i'm struggling just with my body weight never mind extra weight lol I'm looking into getting some wrist weights however.


  1. The only thing I would say is be careful not to burn out. Your body needs time between workouts.

    If I was you I would leave Wednesday as a rest day as well.
    And possibly have Sunday as a "maybe" cycle. So if you are exhausted still on Sunday from Saturday's cycle you don't need to feel like you've "missed" a day.

    Realistically just listen to your body. If you are sore and exhausted, know that you need a rest day. You burn a lot of calories when repairing you muscles after exercise. =D

    Drink plenty of water between now and when it gets dark and you should feel hungry enough for a dinner.

  2. Thats maybe a better idea sinead i hadn't realised how much i was doing till i wrote it all down and realised there was only one rest day lol
